About Speaker's Bureau


Member Contact
General Euclid-SpB@ifae.es
James Barlett bartlett.james1@gmail.com
Bahram Mobasher mobasher@ucr.edu
Cristobal Padilla (chair) Cristobal.Padilla@ifae.es
Pier-Stefano Corasaniti Pier-Stefano.Corasaniti@obspm.fr
Marine Ruffenach Marine.Ruffenach@cnes.fr
Silvano Tosi Silvano.Tosi@ge.infn.it
Chiara Sirignano chiara.sirignano@unipd.it


The detailed mandate of the Speaker’s Bureau can be found here. The main responsibilities in a summarized form are:

  • Collect and maintain a repository of plots approved for presentation at conferences and talks given by Euclid Consortium (EC) members.
  • Interface with conference organizers to maximize the presence of Euclid talks and speakers .
  • Develop and maintain a database of EC members to help the selection of speakers seeking a balance between those that deserve a talk and have the knowledge and expertise to represent Euclid in Conferences.
  • Certify and approve talks given by EC members and guarantee the quality of talks by organizing rehearsals when needed.
  • Select speakers for conference talks

The goal is to progressively implement all the aspects of the mandate progressively and be ready when the number of speakers and talks will dramatically increase. We will start by implementing the repositories for plots and talks and the procedures to approve them, while developing the list of possible (regular) conferences where we can present Euclid results.
In parallel, we will develop a database containing the possible merits/nominations of the EC members in order to be able to select speakers in future conferences.

Procedure for Plots approval

We want to collect a database of plots approved for presentation at conferences. The procedure if you have a plot that want to present (or another colleague can present) at a conference is as follows:

  • Prepare the plot in the higher possible resolution
    • Make sure it contains “Euclid Preliminary” if it has not been published
    • Provide a caption
    • Provide a description of the plot the can guide the speaker in her/his presentation and maybe even mentioning possible conflicting points or questions from the audience
  • Consult with the relevant group coordinator
  • Ideally, we should submit it and give all EC members chances to comment on it. A procedure for collecting comments will be developed
  • Answer the comments and make the possible changes to the final plot
  • The plot will be officially approved after given the ok by the relevant coordinator

Procedure for Talks approval and submission

We want to collect a database of talks given at conferences and help to improve the quality of the Euclid presentations. Before giving a talk:

  • Submit the talk well in advance. Ideally one week before the conference
    • Make sure it contains only Euclid approved plots and materials
    • The content might have already been reviewed inside the relevant working groups
  • We will submit it and ask some expert EC member to review it (usually within the working group). Comments might be given
  • Answer the comments and make the possible changes to the final talk
  • In future we might want to organize an internal rehearsal
  • After final approval, you can give the talk
  • After the conference, please provide the SpB with the final version presented at the conference for archival


What should I do if I am invited to a talk in a Conference?
You should send and e-mail to the SpB informing them about it. In the current status, you will be given the ok to go ahead and present the talk. However, in the future, and for “high-profile” conferences, you might be asked to drop it in favor of another EC member that might deserve a talk and has not given one as recently as you.

Should I send you the transparencies before presenting them to the conference?
Yes, absolutely. The procedure, that will soon have to be delegated outside the SpB members that might be saturated with the number of talks to review, foresees that other EC experts check the talk and help guarantee and improve the quality and the outside image of Euclid.

What if I know of a conference where I could submit a talk?
Please inform the SpB. Progressively, we plan to contact directly the conference organizers to seek for possible Euclid talks and solicit abstract submission in a centralized way helping maximizing our visibility

Should I send you the abstract I have submitted?
Yes. We will check there are no duplicates (not common now but possible in the future) and will also enter them into the system. As said before, this might be done centralized in the future and abstracts might be prepared by the Working groups that might know best the results that are matured enough to be presented at conferences.

Which plots can I use for my talks?
In principle, only approved plots that are in the Plots database of the SpB and, if not already published in a paper, having a clear label saying “Euclid Preliminary”. We are aware that this might be impossible at this stage but, in order to create the database, you should submit a plot in advance for approval and will then be added to the database.